高通宣布終止收購恩智浦 | 董事會批准300億美元股票回購計劃

2018年7月26日, 聖迭戈——Qualcomm Incorporated (以下簡稱 'Qualcomm' 或 '公司' ) 今日宣布其間接全資子公司Qualcomm River Holdings B.V.終止對恩智浦半導體 (NASDAQ: NXPI) 的收購 (以下簡稱 '恩智浦' ) , 立即生效. 按照收購協議條款規定, Qualcomm River Holdings將於2018年7月26日向恩智浦支付20億美元收購終止費用. 隨著收購終止, Qualcomm River Holdings也終止了其之前宣布的對恩智浦全部已發行在外流通股份的公開收購要約.

Qualcomm今天也宣布其董事會已經批准了300億美元的股票回購計劃, 取代公司現有的100億美元股票回購計劃. Qualcomm預計將於2019財年結束前完成大部分的股票回購.

通過執行該股票回購項目, 以及實現之前宣布的其它戰略目標, 包括10億美元成本計劃和實現在新行業的多元化業務增長, Qualcomm繼續保持為股東創造巨大增長和價值的顯著優勢.

Qualcomm Incorporated首席執行官史蒂夫·莫倫科夫表示: '我們不斷推動Qualcomm的技術進入具有更大增長機遇的行業, 這一核心戰略保持不變. 我們將繼續全力以赴保持在這些行業的強勁增長勢頭, 預計2018財年公司來自於這些領域的營收將達到約50億美元, 較2016財年增長超過70%. 我們相信我們的技術領導力和強大的執行力將為我們的股東創造巨大價值. '

Qualcomm持續實現強勁業務增長, 得益於其在物聯網, 汽車, 射頻前端, 計算及聯網領域的加速拓展和發展勢頭:

●物聯網——Qualcomm持續引領物聯網發展, 2017財年在物聯網領域的營收超過10億美元. 公司已建立間接渠道, 通過第三方 (包括超過25個全球分銷商) 服務9000多個客戶. ●汽車——Qualcomm能為未來網聯汽車提供強大的連接解決方案及領先的智能功能. 截至2018年1月, 我們已獲得總價值達30億美元的產品訂單, 到2018年7月這一數字已增長至50億美元. ●射頻前端——Qualcomm的射頻前端解決方案已獲得多家頂級智能手機製造商的設計採用, 此外我們與四家領先的OEM廠商——聯想, OPPO, vivo和小米已分別簽署非約束性的射頻前端採購諒解備忘錄, 總價值達20億美元. ●先進計算——Qualcomm正在重新定義聯網PC體驗, 華碩, 惠普和聯想均已發布基於Qualcomm®驍龍™835移動平台的聯網PC產品. ●聯網——Qualcomm的技術正在推動行業發展, 引領家庭和企業無線網路及Mesh Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi網狀網路) 的發展.

Qualcomm將繼續引領5G, 並且隨著蜂窩技術極大地改變各行各業, Qualcomm在短期和長期內都面臨發展的重大機遇. 這些新機遇有助於Qualcomm將其可服務市場 (Serviceable Addressable Market) 的規模擴大至1千億美元. 先進計算, 連接和人工智慧均為5G的關鍵組成技術, Qualcomm在上述領域的領導地位為公司在這些新興領域中保持領先提供了巨大優勢.

關於Qualcomm Qualcomm發明的基礎科技改變了世界連接, 計算與溝通的方式. 把手機連接到互聯網, 我們的發明開啟了移動互聯時代. 今天, 我們發明的基礎科技催生了那些改變人們生活的產品, 體驗和行業. Qualcomm引領世界邁向5G, 我們看到新一輪蜂窩技術的變革將激發萬物智能互連的新時代, 並在網聯汽車, 遠程健康醫療服務和物聯網領域創造全新機遇. Qualcomm Incorporated包括技術許可業務 (QTL) 和我們絕大部分的專利組合. Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. (QTI) 是Qualcomm Incorporated的全資子公司, 與其子公司一起運營我們所有的工程, 研發活動以及所有產品和服務業務, 其中包括半導體業務QCT.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking StatementsIn addition to the historical information contained herein, this news release contains forward-looking statements that are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to statements regarding; Qualcomm River Holdings payment of a termination fee of $2 billion to NXP on July 26, 2018; the Company' s intent to execute on a significant stock repurchase program, and the timing thereof; the Company' s expansion into adjacencies/growth areas and its expectations regarding continued progress in, and the financial contributions of, those areas; the Company' s business, financial, product and technology strategies and its being well-positioned to drive significant accretion and value for stockholders by executing on those strategies; and the Company' s opportunities, the size of those opportunities, and its ability to take advantage of those opportunities. Forward-looking statements are generally identified by words such as 'estimates,' 'guidance,' 'expects,' 'anticipates,' 'intends,' 'plans,' 'believes,' 'seeks' and similar expressions. Actual results may differ materially from those referred to in the forward-looking statements due to a number of important factors, including but not limited to: risks associated with our proposed acquisition of NXP, and our termination of that acquisition; commercial network deployments, expansions and upgrades of CDMA, OFDMA and other communications technologies, our customers' and licensees' sales of products and services based on these technologies and our customers' demand for our products and services; competition in an environment of rapid technological change; our dependence on a small number of customers and licensees; our dependence on the premium-tier device segment; attacks on our licensing business model, including current and future legal proceedings and governmental investigations and proceedings, or actions of quasi-governmental bodies or standards or industry organizations; potential changes in our patent licensing practices, whether due to governmental investigations, private legal proceedings challenging those practices, or otherwise; the enforcement and protection of our intellectual property rights; our ability to extend our technologies, products and services into new and expanded product areas and adjacent industry segments; risks associated with operation and control of manufacturing facilities of our joint venture, RF360 Holdings; the continued and future success of our licensing programs, which requires us to continue to evolve our patent portfolio, and which may be impacted by the proliferation of devices in new industry segments such as automotive and IoT, and the need to extend license agreements that are expiring; our dependence on a limited number of third-party suppliers; claims by third parties that we infringe their intellectual property; strategic acquisitions, transactions and investments or our inability to consummate planned strategic acquisitions; our cost plan; our compliance with laws, regulations, policies and standards; our use of open source software; our stock price and earnings volatility; our indebtedness and our significant proposed stock repurchase program; security breaches or other misappropriation of our intellectual property or proprietary or confidential information; potential tax liabilities; global regional or local economic conditions that impact the industries in which we operate; our ability to attract and retain qualified employees; foreign currency fluctuations; and failures in our products or services or in the products or services of our customers or licensees, including those resulting from security vulnerabilities, defects or errors. These and other risks are set forth in the Company' s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended June 24, 2018 filed with the SEC. Our reports filed with the SEC are available on our website at www.qualcomm.com. We undertake no obligation to update, or continue to provide information with respect to, any forward-looking statement or risk factor, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Qualcomm和驍龍是Qualcomm Incorporated在美國和其他國家/地區註冊的商標. Qualcomm驍龍是Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.和/或其子公司的產品.

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