2018-6-4 艾肯家電網

5月31日-6月2日, 第十一屆AQUATECH CHINA上海國際水展在國家會展中心隆重開幕. 斯托納旗下控股公司世朗(上海)環保科技有限公司(以下簡稱 '世朗環保' )攜手美國ERIE IQ SOFT原裝進口全屋淨水產品, 一齊驚豔亮相上海國際水展.

時值美國ERIE伊潤公司成立75周年慶, IQ SOFT作為ERIE伊潤旗下最高端的整線原裝進口品牌, 展品亮點紛呈. 令人過目難忘的是, ERIE伊潤歐洲公司首次在上海國際水展上展示了尤為珍貴的曆代多路控制閥, 充分印證了ERIE伊潤品牌75年的核心水處理技術沉澱, 彰顯了其從未停止過對技術的創新與追求.

此次同步參展的新品也讓許多淨水業內人士和專業客戶眼前一亮, 尤其是ERIE伊潤原產地歐洲的前置和大流量反滲透淨水機SIMPLE, 以及明星單品反滲透淨水機ZERO都吸引了國內外客戶長時間的駐足觀摩鑒賞, 獲得一致好評.

與此同時, ERIE伊潤歐洲公司總經理Nick和全球市場總監Bjorn, 以及比利時製造基地的一行工程師均蒞臨展位現場, 為IQ SOFT全系列的軟水機進行了Wifi功能國內首發及操作演示. ERIE IQ SOFT通過不斷創新的技術變革, 為中國高端用戶帶來智慧家居水處理的舒適體驗.


世朗(上海)環保是一家專業環保水處理企業, 隸屬於美國斯托納全屋淨化控股子公司, 公司有著多年的水處理經驗及多項技術專利. 藉助總公司多年積累的客戶資源, 銷售渠道以及經驗豐富的銷售團隊, 為國際水處理品牌迅速開發中國市場業務.

目前, 世朗(上海)環保是美國ERIE IQSOFT中國總代理商, 通過自身的銷售網路及團隊, 將擁有75年水處理經驗的ERIE產品推薦給中國高端消費者. 公司始終圍繞原裝進口, 全屋淨化, 智能家居的消費理念, 為廣大經銷商, 高端消費者提供適合的解決方案.

Brighter (Shanghai) Environmental Protection Co., Ltd is a holding subsidiary of America Stoner Whole House Purification Co., Ltd. Accumulates customer resources and sales channels and experienced sales team for many years,Brighter (Shanghai) develops China market rapidly with the rich sources of customer and due to the yearly water treatment experiences and many technology patents.

Precently, Brighter (Shanghai) Environmental Protection Co., Ltd is IQ-SOFT' s general agent of America ERIE in China. Through its own sales network and team, Bright (Shanghai) will recommend ERIE to upscaled customers for ERIE' s full of 75 years experiences in water treatment. The company keeps to concentrate on the opion of original packaging import, the whole house filtration and 'Smart' water system to offer the distributors and upscaled customers with suitable solutions.


1. About ERIE 關於美國伊潤

Our Mission is to Develop DurableSolutions that improve the quality of Everyday.

伊潤的願景: 能夠持續開發出改善日常生活品質的解決方案.

2.Development history發展曆程

Erie,which was founded on January 9th, 1943, locates at 200 East Erie Street in Milwaukee,Wisconsin (USA). Although the first products were emergency oxygen systems formilitary aircraft, Erie soon became a pioneer and innovator in 'devices tocontrol flows' , for application in oxygen, HVAC and water treatment systems.

伊潤始建於 1943 年 1 月 9 日, 位於美國威斯康辛州密爾沃基的東 Erie 街 200 號. 最開始生產的產品是用于軍事飛機的緊急氧氣系統, 很快成為在 '控制流量設備' 方面的行業先驅者和創新者, 應用於氧氣,暖通空調和水處理系統領域.


Eriedevelops the world' s very first automatic regeneration control valve for water softening.

伊潤開發了世界上最早的全自動再生控制閥, 用於水質軟化. 真正開始引領全球水處理產品領域進入全自動控制的時代.


Subsidiaryin Europe (Belgium) to develop the European market is established.

在歐洲(比利時)設立分公司, 開拓歐洲市場.


Fromthe world' s first plastic control valve to rotor operated and volume-controlledcontrol valve, Erie has always been a pioneer.

從世界上最早的塑料控制閥到轉子操作控制閥和液壓多路控制閥, 伊潤一直以來都是該領域的開拓者.


Eriewater treatment became one of member companies under Aquion Group (InternationalAssets Holding) in 2000.



Erie' scommitment to provide water treatment products that contribute to the preservationof the earth' s most valuable natural resource: water

伊潤始終秉承以保護地球上最珍貴的水資源為其企業使命. 2004年, 伊潤開始致力於研發並製造, 以 '智能環保, 質量穩固' 口碑著稱的水處理產品提供給全球家用水處理用戶.


Firstproprietary cabinet housing for residential softener is introduced.



Eriedecides to shift its focus from control valves to complete water treatment systems.



Erieenters a new segment market with its optimum solutions for commercial hospitality.

伊潤進軍商務淨水市場, 為商務客戶提供最優解決方案.


In2017, ERIE officially authorized STONER to be the exclusive agent for IQ SOFT inChina. In the same year, STONER independently established Brighter (Shanghai)Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. to operate the ERIE IQ SOFT brand.

2017年,ERIE正式授權STONER為IQ SOFT中國區獨家總代理. 同年, STONER單獨成立了世朗(上海)環保科技有限公司來運營ERIE IQ SOFT品牌.

2016 GoodChinaBrand | ICP: 12011751 | China Exports