Plastex 2018 , 埃及橡塑展是北非地區橡塑行業第一大國際展會, 兩年一屆已有16年的曆史. 此次在埃及新國際會展中心舉行. 國, 內外各大注塑機廠都有到場, 如伊之密, 恩格爾, 泰瑞, 博創, 震雄, 伯樂, 東華等. 展會4天, 每天人流火爆; 同時由於埃及的新政策支援, 本地橡塑工業大大受益, 目前算得上是最生機勃勃發展時期, 潛力巨大.
Plastex 2018 (18-21 Jan) is an international exhibition for plastics technology that has great influence in Northern Africa, and the exhibition takes place in Egypt once every 2 years. This year Plastex 2018 was held in Egypt International Exhibition Center. The majority of overseas and domestic IMM manufacturers (e.g. Engel, Yizume, Borch, Chen Hsong, Bole, Weltec and Tederic) participated in the 4-day exhibition, and the number of visitors hit record high. Benefited by the industrial policy, the local plastics industry is booming and full of potential.

文穗展場—— 一站式體驗館 (One Stop Shop Experience)
文穗聯合寶捷以一站式整體形象同時展出, 主機+輔機, 完美配合, 約100平方米的展位, 格外耀眼也廣受關注, 我們的全系列產品如乾燥機, 破碎機, 冷水機, 模溫機, 吸料機, 乾燥混色機, 攪拌機及三機一體等品質良好, 價格適中, 非常受當地客戶歡迎!
Wensui co-hosted with Powerjet featuring IMM integrated with Auxiliary, and such integration drew visitors' attention and interest. Both companies, taking up a 100-square-meter booth, showcased Wensui's complete product line including hopper dryer, granulator, chiller, mold heater, autoloader, mixer, stirrer and 3-in-1 dehumidifier along with an IMM. Our products were very popular among the local customers because of our good quality and competitive price range!
Elaraby 熱情接待與支援, 讓我們對北非市場充滿信心! 感恩!

Elaraby provided a warm reception and full support in business, which made us confident in the Northern African market. Highly appreciated!
同時非常感謝 Aikanal 的配合與努力, 相信我們未來的合作也將更上一層樓!