iPhone性能下降引众怒 | 全球诉讼超30件

作为全球第一大手机厂商, 苹果的一举一动都是影响整个业界的 '大动作' . 近日, 美国政府正式介入了对于苹果 'iPhone降速事件' 的调查, 这一事件原是由于苹果认为手机 '电池寿命下降' , 而隐瞒消费者单方面降低芯片性能所致.

日前, 苹果官方正式承认自己受到了来自美国政府的调查. 为了平息消费者的怒火, 苹果给出了 '将更换电池价格从79美元降至29美元' 的解决方案, 并决定在下一版iOS系统更新中允许用户查看电池寿命, 以及加入让用户自由决定是否调低性能的选项.

为表明态度, 苹果还发表了一份声明, 表示他们 '绝不会为了迫使用户购买新机而故意降低性能' . 这份声明的原文如下:

'About a year ago, we delivered a software update that improves power management during peak workloads to avoid unexpected shutdowns on certain iPhones with older batteries. We know that iPhones have become an important part of the daily lives of our customers and our intention was to improve the customer experience.'

'We sought to further improve the customer experience in December by announcing a significant discount on replacement batteries for certain iPhones. We also announced that we began developing a new iOS feature to show battery health and which would recommend when the user should consider replacing their battery. These actions were taken to further assist our customers and help extend the life of their iPhones. In addition, users will be able to see if the power management feature is being used to prevent unexpected shutdowns, and turn if off if they so choose. These features will be included in a developer release next month and a user release this Spring.'

'As we told our customers in December, we have never — and would never — do anything to intentionally shorten the life of any Apple product, or degrade the user experience to drive customer upgrades. Our goal has always been to create products that our customers love. Making iPhones last as long as possible is an important part of that.'

'We have received questions from some government agencies and we are responding to them.' ——苹果官方声明

此外, 来自全球各地的消费者们已经在着手就性能下降一事起诉苹果, 集体诉讼数量已经达到32宗.

作为全球第一大手机厂商, 苹果的一举一动都是影响整个业界的 '大动作' . 近日, 美国政府正式介入了对于苹果 'iPhone降速事件' 的调查, 这一事件原是由于苹果认为手机 '电池寿命下降' , 而隐瞒消费者单方面降低芯片性能所致.

日前, 苹果官方正式承认自己受到了来自美国政府的调查. 为了平息消费者的怒火, 苹果给出了 '将更换电池价格从79美元降至29美元' 的解决方案, 并决定在下一版iOS系统更新中允许用户查看电池寿命, 以及加入让用户自由决定是否调低性能的选项.

为表明态度, 苹果还发表了一份声明, 表示他们 '绝不会为了迫使用户购买新机而故意降低性能' . 这份声明的原文如下:

'About a year ago, we delivered a software update that improves power management during peak workloads to avoid unexpected shutdowns on certain iPhones with older batteries. We know that iPhones have become an important part of the daily lives of our customers and our intention was to improve the customer experience.'

'We sought to further improve the customer experience in December by announcing a significant discount on replacement batteries for certain iPhones. We also announced that we began developing a new iOS feature to show battery health and which would recommend when the user should consider replacing their battery. These actions were taken to further assist our customers and help extend the life of their iPhones. In addition, users will be able to see if the power management feature is being used to prevent unexpected shutdowns, and turn if off if they so choose. These features will be included in a developer release next month and a user release this Spring.'

'As we told our customers in December, we have never — and would never — do anything to intentionally shorten the life of any Apple product, or degrade the user experience to drive customer upgrades. Our goal has always been to create products that our customers love. Making iPhones last as long as possible is an important part of that.'

'We have received questions from some government agencies and we are responding to them.' ——苹果官方声明

此外, 来自全球各地的消费者们已经在着手就性能下降一事起诉苹果, 集体诉讼数量已经达到32宗.

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