If the water purifier brand wants to develop in a benign way, it will have to improve the quality of service.

Water is the source of human life. The use value of water purifier is to filter the contaminated drinking water into multiple drinking waters and purify it into drinking water. It is favored by users. As people's requirements for healthy living quality continue to improve, the net The water penetration rate has also been further improved, and the trend of the water purifier industry will continue to develop rapidly.

However, the status quo of China's water purification industry after sale is not optimistic. China Household Electrical Appliances Association has released the "China Water Treatment Products Consumer Research Report", the report shows that many consumers are dissatisfied with the after-sales service of water purification products. At present, many water purification companies are pursuing High profit, the standard of after-sales service has been reduced again and again. Even after many consumers purchase products, they often encounter the phenomenon that the merchants and manufacturers push each other in the follow-up after-sales service, which leads to after-sales problems, which have been unable to be solved. There are also some small workshops. Enterprises, there is no after-sales, consumers find problems after purchasing their products, especially the installation of water purifiers, can not contact the after-sales, drinking water security is not guaranteed.

When it comes to services, it is a difficult thing to do a good job. No matter in which industry, the competition in the market is ultimately the competition for customers. Whether it is selling products or selling services, the ultimate customer satisfaction is to test the success of marketing. The standard of the water purifier determines the importance of the service of the water purifier. For the water purifier, the pre-sales service and the after-sales service are equally important. The main point is to fully understand the customer, study the customer psychology, pay attention to the after-sales details, and improve. Work shortcomings, improve service quality, through the whole process of quality service, in exchange for customer brand loyalty. Timely remediation of mistakes, correction of errors, effective handling of customer complaints and other after-sales service measures become the most effective way to ensure the rights and interests of water purification equipment consumers At the same time, it also showed the company's image display.

However, some water purifier manufacturers and dealers now only pay attention to pre-sales service, but after-sales service can't keep up. They think that as long as they can sell the products, the after-sales problem can be solved, but it is counterproductive. The water purification industry is different from other products. Can not simply use the water purification product as a home appliance product as a continuous consumption of the home, and the product needs to be continuously serviced and maintained, because it needs to replace the consumables regularly; from the product attribute, it is a household appliance, installation and water heater. The air conditioner is similar, but the later service is completely different from the existing home appliance. The customer does not understand the product maintenance and proper use, and needs to replace the filter element. The awareness of cleaning is not high, such as how often it takes to clean it, how long There is no clear concept for the need to replace the filter element and how long it takes to maintain it. So if the problem water purifier fails to solve the problem in time, the customer will lose confidence in the water purifier company.

It is gratifying to note that many of today's water purifier brands have professional after-sales service teams, only to continuously improve the quality of after-sales service, improve after-sales service procedures, standardize after-sales service management, adhere to service innovation, meet different needs of customers, and The service has gained market competitive advantage, and truly enables consumers to 'have peace of mind and no troubles' in the process of consumption, in order to finally achieve 'zero problem'.

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