Foreign media in San Diego, October 19, reported in San Diego, Calif., on October 15, the city council voted 5:3 to pass the ban on foam plastic products, in particular, restricted the San Diego area of the use of polystyrene plastic products.
But then there will be a second round of balloting.
The proposal prohibits the use of products such as polystyrene foam boxes, cups and egg cartons, and violators will be fined $200-500 for the number of violations within 12 months.
Opponents of the proposal believe that environmental action should follow their own will, the mandatory ban on the use of polystyrene plastic products will cause great growth in the cost of business, the chain of enterprises will not have a greater impact, but for small businesses will cause a certain impact.
The Santiago Parliament has decided to have a 12-month exemption for small businesses with annual revenues of less than $500,000, as the ban could bring pressure on small businesses. The ban on polystyrene plastic products has been approved by several cities in Santiago.