Interbrand, the world's leading brand consulting firm, recently released the top 100 rankings of 2018 of the world's most valuable brands. John Deere once again ranked among the world's most valuable brands, ranked 88th, with a rise of 4 from a year earlier.
Interbrand estimates that the John Deere brand is currently worth about $5.4 billion. Charles Trevail, Interbrand's global chief executive, said, ' The fastest-growing brands over the past 10 years of the global financial crisis are those that intuitively understand their customers and have made bold, iconic moves in new ways. '
Interbrand, whose brand valuation is based on three key dimensions: the financial performance of branded products and services, the brand forces in the purchase decision-making process, and the brand strength of the brand's contribution to future earnings. Samuel R. Allen, Chairman and CEO of Sham Allen, said: ' This is a recognition of the work of our 70,000 employees around the world, who are working every day to fulfill the core values of dir: honesty, quality, trustworthiness and innovation.
' 2011 Interbrand estimated the value of the John Deere brand at $3.65 billion, after which John Deere ranked among the world's best brands.