We always have such misunderstandings and so on weight loss, so that our weight loss can not succeed, and even the health caused by some irreversible harm.
For example, fasting exercise, dieting diet pills and so on, are the wrong way to lose weight, following the small series together to understand the next.
1, Hungry belly movement Many people always mistakenly believe that to lose weight should be on the basis of diet control exercise. Although this is good, but some people are dieting side of the movement, although it will be thin quickly, but doing so, the health of the harm is very large.
Like doing morning exercises. Just get up in the morning, the body after a night of recovery, basically has exhausted all the energy, this is to move again, the body is like a car has run out of petrol, is not working, even if it is running up is particularly easy to damage the machine.
Running on an empty stomach in the morning is especially prone to dizziness, fatigue and hypoglycemia.
2, Weekend Crazy Sports Some office workers usually do not have time to exercise, so they like to take advantage of the weekend's time to crazy sports, that this can not only make up for a whole week of exercise to lose weight also has the benefit. But, in fact, this kind of surprise exercise often bring excessive exercise and muscle injury.
And this method of exercise because the body usually lack of exercise, and muscle, cardiovascular, etc. are not adapted to the great intensity, so particularly vulnerable to injury or induce some other diseases, serious also prone to rhabdomyolysis.
3, after exercise big eat special eat Many people think that they are so hard in sports, after the exercise is to reward their own, yes, it should be a good reward themselves.
But this reward is not necessarily to use food ah. For example, after a week of exercise you can reward yourself with a new outfit, or reward yourself with half an hour of play after each workout, and so on.
After exercise the diet should be supplemented with protein and carbohydrates, so as to help the body recover energy.
4, after exercise, lie still. After a lot of sports, the body is very need to rest, xianxin many people's way to rest is lying down, but this practice is very incorrect. This practice is likely to lead to exercise in your body after a large number of venous blood stasis in the meridians, the heart will appear ischemic phenomenon, the brain may also appear dizzy, nausea, vomiting.
The right way to rest is to walk back and forth for about 10 minutes after exercise and then sit down and rest.