长江存储荣获FMS闪存峰会 | '最具创新初创闪存企业' | 奖

2018年8月9日, 中国武汉——长江存储科技有限责任公司 (以下简称: 长江存储) 于2018年闪存峰会(FMS)上正式公布了其革新技术XtackingTM, 并一举斩获FMS大会最高荣誉 (Best of Show)—— '最具创新初创闪存企业' . 此奖项表彰对象为存储行业最具创新和探索精神的初创公司.

FMS评奖委员会主席及网络存储顾问团主席Jay Kramer表示: '闪存行业正处在革新节点, 我们将见证创新技术如何突破根本性的架构限制, 提升NAND I/O速度. 我们十分荣幸将 '最具创新初创闪存企业' 奖项颁发给长江存储. XtackingTM技术将提升NAND性能, 以满足从智能手机, 个人电脑到数据中心及企业应用等客户对NAND应用的更高需求. '

长江存储CEO杨士宁博士表示: '我们很荣幸, 感谢组委会授予我们此项殊荣. 感谢长江存储全体成员的辛勤付出, 使XtackingTM这项革新技术成为现实. 这项荣誉肯定了我们为NAND行业所作的努力与贡献, 我们带来了一项真正意义上的创新技术, 该技术将为3D NAND闪存带来前所未有的I/O高性能, 更高的存储密度, 以及更短的产品上市周期. 长江存储已成功将XtackingTM技术应用于其第二代3D NAND产品的开发, 该产品计划于2019年实现量产. '

关于长江存储长江存储成立于2016年7月, 是一家存储器解决方案企业, 总部位于湖北武汉. 长江存储凭借全球分布的研发中心和超过3000名国际化员工, 力争凭创新实力成为世界一流的3D NAND闪存产品供应商.

Yangtze Memory Technologies Awarded 'Best of Show' for Most Innovative Flash Memory Startup Company Newly introduced NAND player with its Architecture - XtackingTM received top honors at Flash Memory Summit 2018 Wuhan,China, August 9, 2018 - Flash Memory Summit - After officially announced its ground-breaking technology - XtackingTM,YangtzeMemory Technologies Co., Ltd (YMTC), captured the top prize at the 2018 Flash Memory Summit, winning the 'Best of Show' award for the Most Innovative Flash Memory Startup Company. This category recognizes the most creative startup companies blazing a trail of innovation in the storage industry. 'The evolution of the flash memory industry is now at a point in time where we will see innovations to overcome fundamental architectural limitations of NAND I/Ospeed,' said Jay Kramer, Chairman of the Awards Program and President of Network Storage Advisors Inc. 'We are proud to recognize Yangtze Memory Technologies Co., Ltd. for the Most Innovative Flash Memory Startup with the announcement of Xtacking™ technology, achieving increased NAND performance to meet customer needs for faster applications addressing everything from smartphones and PCs to data centers and enterprise applications.' 'We are honored and thankful to accept this prestigious award, and I applaud the entire YMTC team for the hard work and dedication it has taken to make this ground-breaking technology a reality,' said Simon Yang, CEO at YMTC. 'This award recognized our efforts to introduce to the NAND market a truly innovated technology which will provide unprecedented NAND I/O performance, higher bit density and faster time-to-market.YMTC has successfully utilized this innovative Xtacking™ technology in the 2nd generation 3D NAND development,targeting to go to mass production in 2019.' About Yangtze Memory Technologies Co.,Ltd:Founded in 2016, Yangtze Memory Technologies Co., Ltd. (YMTC) is a memory solutions company headquartered in Wuhan, China. With over 3,000 employees and worldwide R&D centers, YMTC is committed to becoming a world-leading memory solutions provider through technology innovations.

Visit the YMTC website at www.ymtc.comSchedule a meeting with us via sales_ymtc@ymtc.com XtackingTM:Trade mark application submitted and accepted. About Flash Memory Summit:Flash Memory Summit, produced by Conference ConCepts, showcases the mainstream applications, key technologies and leading vendors that are driving the multi-billion-dollar non-volatile memory and SSD markets. FMS is now the world' s largest event featuring the trends, innovations and influencers driving the adoption of Flash Memory in demanding enterprise storage applications, as well as in smartphones, tablets, and mobile and embedded systems.

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