Dr. Kang Kang, a member of the 'Agricultural Bioenvironment and Energy Engineering' research team led by Prof. Qiu Ling from the School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, published the article entitled 'Codensification' in the Energy SCI Journal 'Applied Energy' (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Top Journal, IF=7.90) Of Eucommia ulmoides Oliver stem with pyrolysis oil and char for solid biofuel: An optimization and characterization study'.

Research on fuelization of low-pressure blending of biomass and pyrolysis products
In this study, the coupling ratio of biomass low-pressure compaction technology and pyrolysis conversion technology was used to determine the physical properties of the fuel by using the mass ratio of the material size and the blending materials (eucommia wood, pyrolytic carbon and tar) as process variables. In order to evaluate the indicators, on the basis of screening and preparing a number of mixed solid pellet fuels, the formulas with application value were tested for separation and comparison, and the solid pellet fuels were systematically evaluated from three aspects: storage, transportation and combustion characteristics. The particle cementation mechanism was fully characterized. Under the conditions of low pressure molding, it was found that the smaller raw material particle size (0.1-0.3 mm) and tar addition played an important role in the strength of the shaped fuel, and the optimum durability of the optimized fuel. The degree reached 98.70%, and the addition of pyrolytic carbon significantly increased the high calorific value.
The research provides a reference for the co-formation fuelization technology of lignocellulosic biomass and its pyrolysis products, and also provides a new idea for the high-value fuel utilization of Eucommia wood. The relevant results will help lignocellulosic biomass energy to compensate fossil fuels. Thereby reducing the environment caused by CO2 emissions.
The research was funded by the Northwest Agricultural and Forestry University's research start-up funds and basic research business expenses.