Intel: Data-centric after 2013 | PC gradually

For nearly 5 to 6 years, users have felt the fullness of Intel 'squeezing toothpaste', including IPC performance and thermal grease.

HOP found a PPT document in Intel's 50th anniversary of its founding last week, which seems to explain why they did it.

Intel used 2013 as the time node, saying that the previous company was centered on PC (personal computer), and then the data centered on it, and the PC began to go downhill from the peak position.

How to understand the data center?

For example, Intel's power in the storage field is a significant signal, as well as the development of FPGA chips, limiting the civilian use of Xeon E3 and eventually cutting it. It is not difficult to understand why the processor of the PC platform has experienced ' I have had a good time.

The report also worried that although Raja joined Intel to develop independent GPU products, according to Intel's current strategy, its early positioning covers the possibility of desktop game graphics cards.

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