The logic-level primary MOSFET allows the VIPer11 to operate over a wide supply voltage range of 4.5V to 30V and can be used to design an efficient 5V output switching power supply. Combined with internal high-voltage start-up, error amplifier and jitter reduction oscillator to reduce EMI interference, etc. This advantage simplifies the design, saving space and BOM costs.
The VIPer11 high-voltage converter implements a flyback, boost or buck/boost power supply that is powered directly from a rectified AC line or other DC power supply, using a simple voltage divider to produce the desired output voltage. Logic Stage MOSFETs The guaranteed function converter has high energy efficiency performance even at 5V output voltage over a wide load range. Industry-leading minimum 10mW power consumption enables extremely low standby power consumption.
In the open switching power supply, VIPer11 can support a typical maximum power rating of 12W; in a closed adapter, the typical maximum power rating is 10W, suitable for various household and consumer products, building automation equipment, small manufacturing equipment, lighting , Smart meters and motion controllers. VIPer11 also has supporting development tools, including evaluation kits, application notes, Spice models, and eDesign simulation tools to help users evaluate VIPer11's innovative features.
In addition to integrating a large number of power control functions, this high-voltage converter also incorporates a full range of protection features, including overload/short-circuit protection (OLP), line or output over-voltage protection (OVP), maximum duty cycle counter and VCC clamps. , All have automatic restart mode. Other protection features include built-in thermal shutdown, internal soft start to increase system reliability, and pulse-skipping protection against output loss.
The VIPer11 series includes the VIPer114 with an IDLIM 480mA and the 590mA VIPer115, offering both 30kHz and 60kHz operating frequency options. These devices are now in volume production in the SSOP10 package.