According to the Tech Republic report, Intel officially began testing the Spin Qubit chip, which is the smallest quantum computing chip. The chip's qubit is about 50 nanometers, only visible with an electron microscope, and 1,500 qubits are equivalent to human hair. The diameter of the wire, Intel mentioned in the press release that this is what they have done 'the smallest quantum computing chip'. The Spin Qubit chip uses Intel's silicon manufacturing technology for making traditional computer chips. It shows that Intel is actively chipping in quantum computing. Quantum bits It can replace the traditional transistor commonly used in computer chips. The qubits have superimposed characteristics and can be in the state of 1 and 0 at the same time. Different from the information stored in general computers, they are binary, non-zero, ie, the quantum computer's expansion capability. Surprisingly, however, quantum computing chips require a special environment. For example, Intel's new spin qubit chip must be at minus 460 degrees Fahrenheit (Fahrenheit) for proper operation. Microsoft, Google's parent Alphabet and IBM are all developing similar chips, trying to Quantum computing strives for a place. If it continues to develop, quantum computing will have commercial applications.