Specifically, Qualcomm is developing two Snapdragon 400 series processors, namely the Snapdragon 429 and Snapdragon 439. It is currently not known when these two chips will be launched. There are rumors that some high-end Snapdragons 439. Will use 14nm technology and eight-core architecture.
In fact, Qualcomm does not have low-end processors. The Qualcomm 200 series is prepared for ultra-low-end devices. However, due to weak performance and MediaTek's competition, virtually no companies use Qualcomm's 200 series chips. Currently, the market is extremely low. Most mobile phones use the MT6737 processor.
Considering that the new version of Android Go will be released at the same time as Android 9.0 later this summer, Qualcomm may announce the details of the two processors.