A report released by the UN Environment Agency on June 1 pointed out that the ocean is increasingly becoming a repository for waste plastics and plastic particles, which has caused great social, economic and environmental impacts. But it is impossible to eliminate all plastics from use in society. It is not desirable. Therefore, consumers and policy makers urgently need to take action to stop the flow of disposable plastics. Substitutes can play an important role in reducing our dependence on disposable plastics.
'The move from disposable plastics to sustainable alternatives is our investment in ensuring a long-term future for the environment.' said Eric Solheim, Executive Director of the UN Environment Agency. 'The world needs a solution, not after Disposable plastic disposable. '
The report selected 25 cases from around the world to conduct research and elaborated on the current widespread use of reducing the use of unnecessary disposable plastics. The report sparked debate on how to make our planet more sustainable, and listed a number of sustainable developments. Goals include reducing poverty, increasing community resilience and reducing waste.
The advantages and disadvantages of traditional plastics made from fossil fuels are further compared to plastic alternatives, including natural materials derived from plants and animals, and a new generation of biopolymers - plastics made from biomass. The report highlights Some of the more traditional plastic alternatives - paper, cotton and wood - and less well-known solutions include algae, fungi and pineapple leaves.
By raising global awareness of the social, economic and environmental impacts of our current relationship with disposable plastics, and presenting a wide range of alternatives, UNEP is poised to help globally to eliminate disposable plastic 'addiction'.
'Science can help companies develop green and innovative solutions,' said Liu Jian, chief scientist at UN Environment Agency. 'The process of developing new materials to replace disposable plastics contains significant business opportunities and job opportunities'