Seung H. Sebastian Seung (left) and Daniel D. Lee
Samsung announced that it hired H. Sebastian Seung, professor of the Institute of Neuroscience and Computer Science at Princeton University, and Daniel D. Lee, professor at the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Pennsylvania to join the Samsung Research Center.
The two professors are expected to play a central role in the basic research of artificial intelligence in the R&D center of Samsung's fixed service. Seung, a computer neuroscientist, first studied theoretical physics at Harvard University. Before joining Princeton University in 2014, he worked as a researcher at Bell Labs. , and served as a professor at MIT.
Seung H. Sebastian Seung (left) and Daniel D. Lee (Samsung Electronics)
Daniel D. Lee is an authority on artificial intelligence and robotics. He earned a bachelor's degree in physics from Harvard University and a doctorate from MIT.
After working as a researcher at Bell Labs, he joined the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Pennsylvania in 2011.
'I am eager to join the Samsung R&D Center to help Samsung Electronics develop next-generation technologies,' said Daniel D. Lee. 'Basic research and understanding of machine learning and robot systems will be the key to fulfilling the promise of artificial intelligence.'