Guangzhou Bureau of Quality Supervision checks 4 batches of plastic shopping bags

A few days ago, the official website of the Guangzhou Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision announced the result of the product quality supervision and inspection of Guangzhou's plastic shopping bags in 2018. A total of 4 batches of products produced by the 3 companies were spot-checked. After inspection, 1 batch of products produced by 1 company was not meet the standards.

This spot check is based on GB/T 21661-2008 "Plastic Shopping Bags" standard. It inspects dimensional deviation, drop test, lifting test, water leakage, sealing strength, dart impact and other items.

The thickness of one batch of product was spotted in this spot check and the dart drop project was unqualified. The thickness of the project failed to result in a poor endurance of the plastic bag. The reason for the failure was mainly because the company did not produce according to the standard or the production process was improper. The impact index is used to test the toughness of the plastic bag or its resistance to fracture. The failure of the project may be a problem of raw materials or production process.

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