Minimal voltage rise time and fall time ( tr, tf <1μs ) 值, 以及高开关频率 (高达 250kHz ) , 使 IPS4260L 非常适用于伺服驱动器, 电机控制, 工业 PC 外围, 可编辑逻辑控制器 ( PLC ) 和通用低边开关 (驱动与正电源相连的负载) . 此外, IPS4260L还为智慧工业/ 工业4.0智能制造应用带来丰富的诊断功能.
Diagnostic functions include open load detection and current limit protection. Open load detection operates when the output is off to prevent hazards due to line disconnection, etc. Non-dissipative cutoff current limiting when current is too high The output stage can be turned off after a user-defined time. The current limit duration can be set with an external resistor. After the current limit time is over, the output stage will restart automatically.
In order to ensure fast response when driving inductive loads (eg motors), the new power switch integrates an intelligent architecture that enables fast demagnetization of four channels sharing an external clamping diode. Other diagnostic functions include two for indicating Common open-drain pin for open load and overload/thermal shutdown, and four input/output open-drain pins for indicating overload/thermal shutdown of a single channel.
As a member of the ST family of smart power switch products, the IPS4260L is supported by a wide range of ecosystems, including a product configuration-specific graphical user interface software (STSW-IFP029GUI), an extensive user manual (UM2297), and a state-of-the-art STEVAL- IFP029V1 evaluation board. Among them, the safety of the evaluation board complies with the international industrial equipment safety standards. There is insulation protection between the logic circuit and the power stage, polarity reversal protection, and electromagnetic compatibility in line with EMC regulations and IEC61000-4 specification requirements. .
The IPS4260L is now in volume production and will be packaged in a thin, shrinkable, small outline miniature HTSSOP20 package.