Xiao Bian recommends a home diet recipe for you to lose weight, save you time and effort, relaxed homestead can eat and rest assured!
◎ intake of low-protein protein foods

When it comes to diet and weight loss, many people will directly reduce their food intake. This can actually make them lose weight. For example, at home, three meals become two meals and they are too lazy to cook. Dinner is a matter of gratitude.
However, although such a dieting method can lose weight, this value is only temporarily reduced, and it cannot be maintained for a long time. The appetite moderated through inappropriate methods will one day erupt, and the under-nourished body suffers. No, pressure builds up. It's easy to bury the fate.
In order to avoid a rebound, it is important that you are in a full stomach! The first is to make good protein supplements. Protein can prolong your sense of fullness, and animal protein is more effective in this area. Maybe you are worried about eating your stomach. The meat will become its own fat. In fact, as long as it selects the less lean part of the fat, it is best to cook it while avoiding the use of too much cooking oil, and it is best to cook it, while paying attention to controlling the amount of intake, so that it will not accumulate. Excess fat.
◎ choose chicken breast

Many people choose to eat chicken when they lose weight, but chicken breast meat is more suitable for weight loss than chicken leg meat because the fat of the chicken leg is still relatively small, and the chicken breast is slightly boiled, then frozen and stored. It's also more convenient to cook, and it can help you supplement protein for a period of time.
◎ eat more foods rich in cellulose
Dietary fiber can help you to remove intestinal waste, and a job directly affects the detoxification of the entire body. If this part of the problem is a problem, it will easily lead to constipation problems, so that toxins and waste continue to accumulate in the body and further intensify The problem of obesity.
Dietary fiber can not only increase detoxification, but also make you feel fuller longer, shorten your fasting time, and also get rid of bad habits that often eat snacks. Make your own simple weight-loss snacks, such as vegetable sticks, salads, etc. When you're hungry, you don't need to spend too much time cooking, chewing enough to make you feel fuller.
◎ vegetables and tofu to eat more

Even in low-calorie meat, eating too much is not conducive to weight loss. The best way to lose weight is to eat more vegetables. In your weight loss menu, vegetables and tofu must be absent. Cucumber can help you to remove excess salt from the body and eliminate edema; kelp and tofu are light in taste. It is also very good with meat. With each meal, try to consume a variety of vegetable ingredients to make it more nutritious. Balanced, its weight loss can also be turned several times!
◎ Moderately reduce carbohydrate intake
In recent years, low-carbon diets have become very popular. Some people do not even eat rice and other staple foods. It is easy to disrupt the nutritional balance in the body! Carbohydrates are one of the essential nutrients in our body. They must be taken in everyday life, but due to It is easy to take too much in peacetime and it may be one of the causes of obesity.
Rice, staple foods such as noodles do not eat too much, especially the habit of eating until full. To eat a little, both nutrition and satiety, the main food for three meals a day to replace the vegetables, And follow the order of early, middle and late to reduce carbohydrate intake.