Before saying so many problems of reducing weight and fat, today we give everyone a comprehensive review of the process of reducing weight and fat.
Body fat and lean body mass
'How to lose weight?' The reason why the answer is so tangled is, in large part, because it is actually a wrong question.
You can break down your weight into two main categories: Fat weight and non-fat weight, Your non-fat weight includes muscles, organs, bones, and connective tissue.
Muscle is an important part of your non-fat weight, and it should exceed your fat mass. In addition, muscle has a huge impact on your metabolic rate. The more muscles you have, the more calories you consume at rest. And Muscle It also helps support your joints and helps to improve balance and reduce the risk of injury.
Your fat weight is just fat. Of course everyone needs to have a basic amount of fat requirements in order to maintain their natural function, body type, age, gender, physical activity level and fitness goals will be different. In the general population In general, the healthy level of fat that is widely accepted is between 21% and 32% in women and 8% to 19% in men. Higher levels of fat ratios lead to weight-related health risks such as type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, and Cardiovascular diseases.
All this information can be attributed to one point: Healthy weight loss means losing fat.
Control diet
You need to know the amount of calories you eat into your food. Try to be as accurate as possible. It is highly recommended that you buy a food.
In order to ensure the speed of weight loss, we should try to make small meals as much as possible, and snuggle slowly. In terms of what I eat, I kept on exploring, practiced repeatedly, studied various fitness fat-reducing recipes, and summed up a set of suitable for myself. , Eat clean, healthy. Avoid high fats and high salinity.
In a nutshell: When you lose weight, you need to eat more delicious food to better fight various kinds of bumps. When you eat high-calorie foods, study the recipes for low-calorie ingredients and then do your own research.
Strength exercises
How much weight should the weight lift be when starting strength training? The American Sports Medicine Research Institute recommends that strength training should be performed at 60-70 percent of the maximum resistance at the beginning, and then gradually increase the weight. For example, according to the above criteria After selecting a weight, each group of exercises is performed at least 10 times. Once it feels more relaxed after 10 times, it is performed 15 times in succession. After the weight has been increased to 15 times, it is easy to start increasing the weight, increasing 5%. The weight of a dumbbell is 8 kg, and it can be increased to 12 kg.
After strength training, muscles increase, and fats decrease because of burning. You may find that after one month, your weight does not decrease. In fact, you cannot use weight as the standard for successful weight loss, but you should use waist circumference or clothing as the standard. After training for a while, you will find that your waist size has become smaller, and your previous clothes bed has become loose. This is a sign of success in weight loss.
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