After NVIDIA announced the suspension of GPP, Asustek re-adjusted its graphics brand strategy.
In April, AMD's exclusive Radeon platform AREZ, which was just announced, was 'gunned'.
In fact, this information was issued last Saturday (May 19th), but because the AREZ official Twitter has only 132 followers, few people have noticed...
The reason why the AREZ brand was launched was because after Asustek participated in the GPP, the ROG (the player's country) naturally achieved the corresponding binding relationship with the N card, and the A card must leave the field.
Now that GPP is gone, there is no need to re-operate AREZ. Even if Asus is willing to do so, for AMD, it is easier to achieve the reputation of “the eye of defeat”.
Interestingly, MSI recently opened the Mech 2 product line for Gaming A outside of Gaming, not knowing fate geometry.