Rumor mill industry has a 'dark horse' - six-high cold rolling mill, its production efficiency is three times that of ordinary rolling mills, and the production capacity of one unit tops the production capacity of three ordinary mills on the market, but the true face of this 'dark horse' It is rarely known that only four Taiwan have been introduced in the country. Mingtai Aluminum has one such company.
Mingtai Aluminum's six-high cold rolling mill is a 2800mm ultra-wide cold rolling mill, which is different from ordinary hot-rolling equipment. The cold rolling mill rolls aluminum at room temperature, effectively avoiding rough surface during hot rolling. , Point, lack of finish is not enough, the six-high cold rolling mill rolling speed, rolling force, the production of aluminum, good plate and panel type, small thickness tolerances, and aluminum surface quality is better, more bright, more delicate.
At present, Mingtai's high-speed cold rolling mills can be rolled to a minimum thickness of 0.2mm and a width of up to 2650mm. It is an all-round rolling mill capable of producing 1-8 series aluminum alloys. The processed products have a wide range of applications. In addition to the conventional 1, 3, 5, 6 series wide panels, the products that can be produced include wide curtain wall panels (1100, 3003), aluminum busbars (1100, 1060), ultra-wide boat panels (5083/5086), tank trucks Materials (5083, 5454, 5182), LNG storage tanks (5083), silos (5052, 3003), new energy buses skin panels (3003,5052,5083), C82 coal vehicles (5083,5086), antenna pots Material (3003), etc.
In addition, Mingtai's high-speed cold rolling mill is also equipped with a set of imported high-cut slitting units, that is, the finished product width can be achieved within 1350mm, and the one-division method greatly improves the production efficiency. The cutting edge of the equipment has high precision, can be heated at the edge, and can control the plate type better. This is rarely achieved in the civil wide board manufacturers. The configuration of the imported high-cut equipment undoubtedly makes the Mingtai six-roll cold. Rolling mills' wings.
The commissioning of the six-high cold rolling mill has greatly increased the production capacity of the company's high-value-added products, laying a solid foundation for the company's transformation and upgrading, product structure adjustment and large-scale production. The high-speed six-high cold rolling mill can satisfy Various specifications of thickness, wide and narrow aluminum sheet processing requirements, can meet the various needs of customers. The key is to produce the aluminum plate, the quality is improved, the version is stable, clean, the appearance effect, the product surface is smooth and bright, 'Yan The value of 'coexistence with strength. At present this 'dark horse' has been put into use in Mingtai, the future can be expected, let us wait and see!