There is a lot of stress in exercising and losing weight. How to achieve the best results through exercise? Take a look at Xiaobian's advice.
Any exercise, as long as it does not harm you, is worth doing, and it will have an effect.

The exercise here does not only refer to the gym, but it can be any physical activity. To lose weight you need to create a negative balance of heat, which is what we call the calorie deficit. This means that you need to burn more calories than the calories you consume. .
Any physical activity, any physical activity you are unfamiliar with, and a different sport than you normally do.
If you are an office worker, you go home and eat after dinner, and then watch TV on the couch till late at night. For you, take a walk for one hour after going home, or do housework, cycling, etc. This is different from your past sports. Now, just make sure you're the same calorie as you used to, and you'll be thin. It's just a matter of time.
So, what you need to consider is, when do you start, and then go and worry about what type of exercise is the best! No matter what kind of way, you will naturally benefit from it, no matter what it is. Don't think too much. The action is right.

For beginners, training for 3 days a week can have the greatest training effect.
In general, beginners' training focuses on large muscles, such as the hips and shoulders. These parts are not only the most critical factor in determining whether they look handsome or beautiful, but also the fat burning ability of large muscle groups. The strongest. You think about it, you're squat 50 times, and your hips and legs are pushing. It's definitely a lot longer than you hold the pen for 1 hour, your fingers burn when you're tired...
Each training interval is suitable for 1 to 3 days. For example, training hips on Mondays, training chests on Wednesdays, practicing backs on Saturdays (look for time adjustments...).
For advanced trainers, it is appropriate to increase training frequency and perform more targeted training. For example, 4-5 training sessions a week.
Exercise warm-up and relaxation
Before and after each aerobic workout, there are two phases to warm up and relax: These two phases will make your fitness safer and more effective.
1, warm-up (that is, preparing for activities)

Warm-up usually refers to the use of low-intensity aerobic fitness to gradually improve your body's body temperature. Your body temperature gradually rises, your heart rate increases, your breathing rate becomes faster, and your blood circulation becomes faster. This way, oxygen and nutrients are delivered to your body. Heart and muscles, ready for your exercise, an important sign after the goal of warm-up activities is achieved is that the body starts sweating slightly. Warm-up time is 5 to 10 minutes. When it's cold, warm up time is longer, and more Wear some clothes.
In order to save time, many people directly enter high-intensity aerobic training without warming up. If so, because the cardiovascular system and lungs are still not in the state, the body temperature is relatively low, and the muscles are not flexible enough. It is easy to cause damage. In addition, after warming up, you will feel better and your exercise time will be longer. In other words, if you don't warm up, you will get tired easily.
2, relax
Relaxation and warm-up have the same effect. During exercise, the blood circulation speeds up, and the amount of blood increases, especially in the extremities. If you immediately stop exercising, the blood will accumulate in the lower extremities and cause extra burden on the heart. In severe cases, it will affect The blood supply to the brain, even vertigo and dizziness. So after the purpose of the exercise should be 5 to 10 minutes of relaxation, which is gradually reducing the intensity of exercise, and slowly return to a quiet state.