Quantum computers have the advantage of high-speed computing, can process large amounts of data in a very short time, and can theoretically reach 100 million times the computing power of existing computers. The industry has been regarded as 'the next generation of computing tools' and will completely change human life.
Fujitsu released a chip 'DLU' for deep learning, which is expected to be launched in March 2019.
According to the Morgan Stanley report, quantum computers will change many industries in the next ten years. It is estimated that the high-end quantum computer computing market will reach 10 billion U.S. dollars by 2025. Microsoft, IBM, and Google will successively display related technologies in recent years. Hopefully, To achieve the goal of 'quantum hegemony'.
Looking at the huge business opportunities, Fujitsu announced that it has officially entered Quantum Computing and published 'Fujitsu Digital Annealer' at this year's Technology Forum, the first to combine the latest technologies in traditional computing and quantum computing, and to design digital circuit structures based on quantum computing concepts. The 1QBit Quantum Algorithm, the exclusive IC technology architecture and quantum computing software leader, can combine high-speed and effective optimization algorithms using big data, with higher accuracy than other known technologies in the industry.
At present, quantum computing is mainly applied to the comparison of molecular similarity in chemical and pharmaceutical research fields, analysis of financial investment targets, plant inventory management, and highly personalized digital marketing advertising, etc. It provides a route data arrangement and calculation that cannot be compared with traditional computers. Analytical high-speed computing solution.
The industry believes that it will take at least five years for the quantum computer commercialization schedule released by various current technology companies.
However, related quantum computing business opportunities are expected to break out in advance. Among Taiwan's supply chains, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., a foundry that closely cooperates with Fujitsu, specializes in custom-designed chip (ASIC) IC design factory Chi Yuan.