Harman sound quality! Haimeidi audio-visual robot audiovisual video evaluation

Artificial intelligence is a subversive technology hotspot following the Internet. Since its outbreak in 2017, it has infiltrated into all walks of life. It has become an industry that is actively embraced by all major consumer electronics companies. The biggest highlight of the audiovisual edition of Haimeidi Audiovisual Robot is the Tencent Cloud Micro-micro. The intelligent service system is organically integrated into the hardware, bringing efficient voice service capabilities and Tencent's rich content resources, communication capabilities and Internet services, and integrating hardware terminal capabilities and Internet services through artificial intelligence technology.

The new products are Haimeidi's joint Tencent Cloud Micro and Tencent video Penguin Aurora, Harman, and Hass several powerful giants launched a new composite audio-visual products, integrated camera, set-top boxes, speakers in one, equipped with artificial intelligence far Field voice control experience, covering video calls, home care, Ultra HD 4k playback, smart speaker features. Here is a video to experience the following features:

Video playback address: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzU1ODQyODA0NA==.html?spm=a2h3j.8428770.3416059.1

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