中国园林绿化行业展会第一品牌, 蓄势待发!
2018 Qingdao Garden+ Forest Industry Expo
The first brand in China' s garden and forest industry is ready to go!

中国内燃机工业协会历经五年精心筹备, 多次组团赴美国GIE户外动力展和德国科隆SPOGA+GAFA展参展并实地考察当地市场, 悉心学习国外成熟的办展经验, 蓄力迸发!强大的组织团队以及专业的行业知识倾力打造的中国最权威, 最具影响力的园林绿化行业高端品牌展会 '中国青岛国际园林绿化产业博览会' (以下简称 'GFI+EXPO' ), 将于2018年6月22-24日在山东青岛国际会展中心隆重开幕!
After five years' elaborate preparation, China Internal Combustion Engine Industry Association has organized many delegations to GIE outdoor power exhibition in the United States and SPOGA + GAFA exhibition in Cologne, Germany to explore the local market and carefully study the overseas mature exhibition experience. With strong team and professional knowledge of garden and forest industry, we are going to render full support to forge China' s most authoritative and influential high-end brand exhibition, namely 'China Qingdao International Garden+ Forest Industry Expo' (hereinafter referred to as 'GFI + EXPO'), which will be grandly opened in June 22-24, 2018 in Qingdao International Convention Center .
在 '打造美丽中国' 政策背景以及未来广阔的市场前景下, GFI+EXPO秉承 '为企业减负, 做展会主角' 的总体方针, 推出 '园林园艺, 绿化景观;园林机械, 户外动力;五金工具, 电动工具;休闲农业, 特色小镇' 四个主题展会, 为参展企业量身打造最具规模的一站式高端品牌推广展, 省去舟车劳顿, 为企业减负!
Under the policy background of 'building beautiful China' and broad market prospects in the future, GFI + EXPO adheres to the general principle of 'reducing burdens for enterprises and being the protagonist of exhibition' and launches four theme exhibitions, 'Horticultural & Green Landscape; Garden Machinery & Outdoor Power; Hardware & Electric tools; Leisure Agriculture & Characteristic Towns' to create a one-stop high-end brand promotion exhibition for exhibitors so that they don' t have to be travel-worn.
山东青岛具有完善的基础设施和优越的地理位置, 青岛市贸促会提供的场馆及政策, 资金支持, 使展会的硬件设施完备齐全. 同时斯蒂尔, 洋马等国际知名企业在青岛都开设了工厂, 加上青岛周边配套的零部件生产企业, 使展会的产业基础初具实力.
Qingdao has a sound infrastructure and excellent geographical location in Shandong province, China Council For The Promotion Of International Trade Qingdao Sub-Council offers venues, policy and financial support making hardware facilities in this exhibition complete. At the same time, Steele, Yanmar and other well-known international enterprises have set up factories in Qingdao. Added with the accessories manufacturing enterprises surrounding Qingdao, the industrial foundation of the exhibition begins to take full strength.
GFI+EXPO定位于为行业服务, 为会员服务, 采用室内展出+室外体验相结合的特色展出形式. B2B与B2C的模式, 旨在打造专业展与公众展一体化展会. 展会将观众分为三类: A类为全国各地的经销商, 代理商, 贸易进出口商和参展商提供的邀约名单;B类为全国道路市政, 园林局, 规划局, 第三方养护公司, 北京国岭协会, 草坪总监协会, 高尔夫球场, 足球场, 体育场管理者等;C类为行业企业及大众用户.
GFI + EXPO is meant to service the industry and members by using a characteristic exhibition way of combing indoor exhibition and outdoor experience. The B2B and B2C model are designed to create an exhibition integrating professional exhibition and public exhibition. Audience in this exhibition are divided into three categories. CategoryA, dealers, agents, trade importers and exporters and exhibitors from all over the country; Category B, representatives from the road &municipal administration, gardens bureau, planning bureau, third party conservation companies, Beijing Guoling Association, Lawn Association, golf courses, football stadiums, stadium etc .; CategoryC,enterprise and public users in garden and forest industry.
展会采用 '技术+贸易' 的形式, 同期举办多场主题鲜明, 内容丰富的高端专业论坛, 包括 '国际小汽油机及户外动力论坛' '中国林业机械行业大会' 等多场论坛活动, 并与现场展示相结合, 有效提升展会内涵与专业化程度, 形成 '展+会' 的有效联动.
The exhibition adopts the form of 'technology + trade' and holds a series of high-end professional forums with distinct themes and rich contents in the same period, including such forums as 'International Forum on Small Gasoline Engine and Outdoor Power' and 'China Forestry Machinery Industry Conference' etc.. In addition, with the combination of on-site show, this exhibition effectively enhances its connotation and specialization and realizes the effective linkage of 'exhibition + meeting' .
GFI+EXPO将会是中国园林绿化行业展会第一品牌. 在这里你将体验到高效的一站式服务, 在这里你将能与经销商, 采购商及专业观众形成强有力的技术与贸易的碰撞, 在这里你将真切感受专业论坛与会议带来的技术与思想的交锋, 在这里你将能与家庭共同参与丰富多彩的户外体验活动.
GFI + EXPO will be the firstbrand in China's garden and forest industry exhibition. Here you will experience an efficient one-stop service where you will be able to create a powerful technology-trade collision with distributors, buyers and professional visitors. Here you will really fell the collision between technology and thoughts brought by professional forums and conferences. Here you will be able to participate in a variety of outdoor activities with your families.
欢迎来到GFI+EXPO, 欢迎来到2018中国青岛国际园林绿化产业博览会!
Welcome to GFI+EXPO! Welcome to 2018 China Qingdao Garden+ Forest Industry Expo!