Commercially available liquid crystal televisions and organic EL televisions use color filters to form colors, while Micro LED uses three kinds of LEDs that emit light (red, green, and blue) as a large number of modules. This enables autonomous color development. There is no need for color filters used on commercially available flat-panel televisions. It is said that because of the efficient use of light, images with a larger viewing angle can be rendered with high brightness.
Regarding the micro LED TV, Samsung Vice President Lee Tae-Tong told the Japan Economic News (Chinese version: Nikkei Chinese) that 'Designed in a modular structure that can flexibly adjust the screen size according to consumer preferences'. In 2018 Details of the models listed during the year have not yet been determined, but they may exceed the 88-inch maximum available on Samsung’s commercial TVs. Currently, due to high manufacturing costs, TVs are expensive, mainly targeting the affluent sectors in the United States and the Middle East, and the projector market. Replacement needs.
Samsung had sold organic EL TVs, but it was later interrupted. On the other hand, for organic EL TVs of other companies that require color filters as well as LCDs, Samsung believes that it is still on the way to development and has a negative attitude. This is because such TV does not use organic EL for its color rendering function, but as a light-emitting material. Samsung has applied panels using organic EL color rendering to smartphones.
However, South Korea's LG Group continued to sell organic EL TVs that have been rejected by Samsung for use with color filters. LG's promotion camp construction includes the sale of organic EL panels to 13 television companies such as Sony so far. In the high-end market, organic EL TVs The sense of presence is rapidly increasing. According to the Euromonitor Information Consultancy Statistics, a British investigation company, the global organic EL TV market was approximately 1.33 million units in 2017, expanding to nearly 5 times of 2015.
Samsung lacks organic EL TVs and it is difficult to gain an advantage in the high-end market. It ranks first in the world with 21% (2017) share of sales. In recent years, growth has been sluggish. Micro LED TVs have been introduced, revealing its ability to demonstrate its strength by entering a new generation of products as early as possible. , Intention to promote sales of LCD TVs. Japan Economic News (Chinese: Nikkei Chinese) Yamada Kenichi Seoul