It is understood that there are two main types of semiconductor charge storage technologies. The first type is volatile memory, such as memory in a computer. The data will disappear immediately after a power failure. The second type is non-volatile memory, such as U. Disk, no additional energy after writing data can be stored for 10 years. The former can write data in about a few nanoseconds, the second type of charge storage technology takes microseconds to tens of microseconds to save the data.
Write speed is 10000 times faster than current U disk, data refresh time is 156 times that of memory technology, and it has excellent controllability. It can realize the design of memory structure according to the data effective time requirements... After testing, research team of Fudan University researchers found This new type of heterojunction based on a full two-dimensional material enables a new class III storage feature.
It is worth mentioning that the new charge storage technology developed this time not only satisfies the 10 nanosecond write data speed, but also realizes the on-demand (10 seconds to 10 years) quasi-nonvolatile characteristics of the regulated data. This new feature not only can greatly reduce the storage power consumption in the high-speed memory, but also can achieve the natural disappearance of the data after the expiration of the data, in a special application scenario to solve the contradiction between confidentiality and transmission.
The reporter learned that from the definition of technology, structural model to performance analysis, this scientific breakthrough was independently completed by the research team of Fudan University. The team is based on the local community and takes root in China, achieving an important international future in the field of storage technology. Scientific breakthrough, and published in the long text in the world's top journal "Nature Nanotechnology" ("Nature Nanotechnology").