The impact of this SiC MOSFET from Infineon is very significant. The power conversion scheme can achieve a switching frequency three times or more than the switching frequency currently used. It also brings many benefits, such as reduced magnetic properties. The amount of copper and aluminum used in the components and system enclosures makes it easier to create smaller, lighter systems, which reduces transport workload and makes installation easier. New solutions help save energy by converting power to designers To achieve. The performance, efficiency and system flexibility of these applications will also be upgraded to a comprehensive level.
This new MOSFET combines many years of Infineon's development experience in the SiC field. Based on advanced trench semiconductor technology, it represents the latest development in the Infineon CoolSiC product family. The first discrete 1200 V CoolSiC MOSFET on-resistance (RDS) (ON)) Ratings are 45mΩ. They will be available in 3-pin and 4-pin TO-247 packages. The 4-pin package has an additional source connection terminal (Kelvin) as the gate driver signal pin. Eliminating the effect of voltage drop due to source inductance, this can further reduce switching losses, especially at higher switching frequencies.
In addition, Infineon of Dalian Pinjia agent also introduced the 1200V 'Easy1B' half-bridge and boost module based on SiC MOSFET technology. These modules use PressFIT connection, have a good thermal interface, low stray inductance and strong design, each The packaged modules all have RDS (ON) rating options of 11mΩ and 23mΩ.
Infineon's CoolSiCTM MOSFETs use trenched gate technology to combine reliability and performance advantages, setting a new benchmark for dynamic losses, which is an order of magnitude lower than that of 1200V silicon (Si) IGBTs. The MOSFET is fully compatible and is typically used to drive IGBTs. With a voltage of +15 V/-5V, they combine the 4V reference threshold voltage rating (Vth) with the short circuit robustness and fully controllable dv/dt characteristics required by the target application. Key advantages compared to Si IGBTs include: Low temperature coefficient switching losses and static characteristics without threshold voltage.
These transistors can be controlled like IGBTs and can be safely turned off in the event of a fault. In addition, Infineon silicon carbide MOSFET technology can adjust the gate resistance to change the switching speed, so the EMC performance can be easily optimized.
Current system improvements for applications such as photovoltaic inverters, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), or charging/storage systems, can be extended to industrial converters.