Ms. Chen from Beijing Reader asked: I recently had a flu in the urine and I had bloody rash in the eyelids. I was prone to fatigue. I found that the urinary protein was elevated. May I ask why?
Ren Jieping, director of the Department of Nephrology (Hydroscopy Room), Beijing Electric Power Hospital, answered: Hematuria is an important signal for many diseases. In the vast majority of cases, the naked eye can't see bleeding urine. It must be detected with a special instrument or microscope. Severe hematuria, The naked eye can see red urine, called 'hematuria'. Immunoglobulin A (IgA) Kidney disease is a common cause of hematuria, and hematuria is the main manifestation. Some patients have high blood pressure, eyelids, edema of the face or legs, Backache, fatigue, anemia, infertility and other symptoms are easy to misdiagnose. IgA nephropathy requires a renal biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. In general, about 10% to 20% of patients need dialysis treatment after 10 years of onset, 20 After the year, it rises to 30%~40%, accounting for about 30% of the dialysis patients in China. Proteinuria is an important measure of the condition and should be checked regularly, especially the 24-hour urine protein quantitative examination. After the cause is identified, follow the doctor's advice. Active treatment, so as not to develop uremia.