Acupuncture and moxibustion hospital of Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Shen Ning
Unexplained fever is difficult to retreat, Western medicine called 'neural fever', TCM syndrome differentiation is mostly Yin deficiency heat or gas subsidence. If symptoms are manifested as low fever, dry throat, thirsty desire to drink, backache knee soft, five upset hot, Red tongue coating, pulse breakdown of patients, you can try Lily Gujin soup, the effect of lower fever is better.
'Lily Gujin Decoction' was included in the Qing Dynasty "Medical Settlement". Based on this side, Lily, habitat, Ophiopogon japonicus, Chinese angelica, fried white peony, 10 grams of Campanulaceae, 5 grams of Scrophulariae, water Decoction. In the prescription, the lily is slightly bitter, the nourishing yin and clear heat, the lungs and the cough; the habitat cooling blood to stop the bleeding; the Ophiopogon japonicus Lily Ziyin heat, lungs and cough; Chinese angelica cure cough against the upper air, combined with white peony to nourish the blood and soft Liver, and yin; Campanulaceae Qingfei pharynx; Scrophulariaceae clear virtual fire, Lee throat. Various drugs can be used to nourish Yin and heat, lungs and lungs.
Clinical application, can be used for flavoring: Ziyin Yanggan plus wolfberry fruit, 10 grams of white chrysanthemums each; Yin and spleen plus Huang Jing, Atractylodes each 10 grams; Qingxu heat plus Artemisia 15 grams (after the next), Mulberry white 10 grams, 10 grams of ground bone skin, 10 grams of silver Bupleurum, 30 grams of plantain; qi and yin deficiency plus 10 grams of astragalus, 10 grams of agrimony; Nourishing yin and descending with anal 10 grams; conditioning menstruation and chicken Scutellaria 10 grams, 10 grams of Cyperus rotundus, Salvia miltiorrhiza 30 grams, Motherwort 10 grams.