Researchers at the Australian National University have recently published a paper saying that they have detected electrons that have jumped outside the regular orbit.
Under normal circumstances, electrons orbit around atomic nuclei in specific orbits, just as planets orbit the sun. However, new studies have found that electrons can instantaneously transition to higher-energy orbits.
The team made an accurate snapshot of the electron pairs in the hydrogen molecule. They used an X-ray beam to knock out one of the electrons from the molecule, causing the two atoms to separate. Experiments have shown that a pair of electron moments in the ground state orbit transitions to have Higher energy orbits, this is an illustration of quantum correlation.
The correlation between electrons is usually weak to be difficult to observe, but in some cases it will lead to obvious abnormal behaviors of electrons, such as superconductivity, which is the basis of high-capacity computer memory. Scientific researchers have clearly observed through high-sensitivity experimental techniques. To the unusual movement between the electrons, this is a major breakthrough for the next generation of electronic devices based on superconductors and other materials.