He was bitten by a dog. How did the rabies vaccine fight?

Mr. Wang from Shandong readers asked: I was vaccinated with rabies about six months ago and I was bitten by a dog recently. Will I have to fight it again?

Wang Chuanlin, deputy director of the emergency department of Peking University People’s Hospital, answered: Bitten by cats and dogs at home, bitten by wild dogs, and bitten by bats are all high-risk situations and need to be treated with caution. In general, rabies vaccine is immunized for half a year after immunization. There is no need to fight within; within six months to one year, each time on the 0th and 3rd days; once within one to three years, on the 0th, 3rd, and 7th days, one shot will be made; after three years, it will be repeated. The treatment after rabies exposure is It is very important to quickly produce antibodies as long as the virus robs the time. It is recommended to inoculate as much as possible in accordance with the prescribed time. The first three needles are particularly important and do not postpone. If the vaccine is not vaccinated according to the stipulated time, a delay of one or two days may be acceptable. , Follow-up times of inoculation will be delayed according to the time interval of the original immunization procedure. If the delay time is too long, it is recommended to restart the whole course of vaccination. Prophylactic vaccination is not recommended. The active ingredients of different brands of qualified vaccines are inactivated rabies virus. Theoretically, It does not affect the body's production of antibodies. However, in order to facilitate the traceability of problems, it is recommended to use the same brand of rabies vaccine. After vaccination, not subject to diet and other lifestyle The impact of the World Health Organization's post-exposure disposal practices and foreign rabies vaccine manuals does not mention the taboo.

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