There are many kinds of treatments for insomnia. There are general treatment and conventional treatment. Routine treatment can be divided into psychotherapy, mental relaxation therapy, traditional Chinese medicine treatment, NAK-1 neuronal activation system, etc. Insomnia is unable to sleep or can not Staying asleep, resulting in lack of sleep. Also known as falling asleep and maintaining sleep disorders, difficulty falling asleep for various reasons, too deep or frequent sleep, wake up early and lack of sleep or poor quality, is a common disease. Insomnia It often brings great pain and psychological burden to the patient, and can inflict other aspects of the body due to the abuse of insomnia drugs.
1, general treatment
Insomniars should avoid stimulating recreational activities before bedtime. Do not drink alcohol, coffee, strong tea and other stimulating drinks. Drink a glass of milk before going to bed and wash in a comfortable hot bath. It helps to relax and improve sleep. Proper amount of physical exercise is also helpful in preventing insomnia; physical and mental relaxation, beneficial sleep: go to the outdoors for a while before going to bed, relax, get a bath or take a bath, or take a hot foot bath, and then go to bed. And no harm; sleep induction: listen to flat and rhythmic sound, such as: train running sounds, howling, dripping water and spring rain pounding the sound of the tape, or music hypnotic soundtrack, help sleep, but also to establish sleep induction Conditioned reflex; fatigue and difficult to sleep: may wish to eat apples, bananas, oranges, oranges, pears and other types of fruit
2, psychotherapy
The doctor solves the psychological misunderstanding related to this disease by talking with the patient to relieve or eliminate his pain and the resulting mental or physical symptoms.
3, spiritual relaxation therapy
For insomnia patients, they should relax their body and mind, and make their excited brains calm down. The doctor can try to use something that has nothing to do with work or irritability or thinking, so that their minds can be calmed down, and the state of excitement will slowly disappear. If the family is chatting happily and relaxedly during dinner, the family members spread the chatter, etc., so that the patient's body and mind quickly relax. This kind of gossip is best initiated by other members, so that insomniacs naturally join in. It freed itself from anxiety.
4, Chinese medicine treatment
The last step is to adjust the psychological adjustment, and properly treat it with no side effects. The traditional Chinese medicine is to soothe the liver and diarrhea, and to soothe the nerves.
5, NAK-1 neuronal activation system
In the treatment mode, the traditional mode has been changed, the mode of combination of Chinese and Western medicines has been adopted, and the model of neurotransmitter balance adjustment analyzed and verified by the research team has been used as a guide to strictly monitor the dynamic changes of various major neurotransmitter levels during treatment. Relieve insomnia.