According to foreign media reports, Japan plans to formally launch a CrayXC50 supercomputer for advanced nuclear fusion research this year. Although its performance is not the first in the supercomputer rankings, it is used in computers for nuclear fusion research. It is still the most advanced. With the generous help of the National Institute of Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, this supercomputer will be installed in the Institute of Nuclear Fusion in the Rokkasho-mura, Japan, and will be used in local fusion science experiments.
Pictured above is Trinity: The Cray supercomputer used in advanced analog computing (ASC) projects at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in the United States.
In addition, CrayXC50 will also provide research support for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER/a large multinational fusion project led by the EU). Thousands of researchers from Japan and other countries can use this system, mainly plasma Physics and fusion energy calculations.
While looking at new supercomputers, Japan has compared the old Helios system that has been retired. After all, in 2012, it was still ranked 15th in the supercomputer performance rankings. Currently, Japan has not yet made its latest super. It is not a best CrayXC50 system.
According to the November 2017 rankings, Switzerland has the third-best-performing supercomputer in the world. It also operates on the CrayXC50 system. The commercialization of fusion energy still has a long way to go, and ITER plans to put it into use in 2035. Plasma reactors, which will cost billions of dollars in investment.