Everyone needs bowel movements. By observing the frequency of defecation, observing the shape and color of feces, we can see that a person's health status. Some people say that once every day to defecate, the body is considered to be healthy. If it does not defecate all day long, , it shows that the body has a problem. However, do humans really need to defecate every day?

Pull it a few times a day to normal?
In fact, once a day is an average number of defecations per day. On a worldwide basis, an average person pulls and pulls once a day. This is just a statistic and it does not represent anything. Exceeding this number or falling below this number does not mean the person’s body. Not normal or unhealthy.
So, how many times a day is a normal bowel movement? In fact, for adults, the frequency of bowel movements is usually 3 times/day - 3 times/week. If there is no blood in the stool, there is no pain during defecation. Smooth, fecal form, are all normal, don't worry too much.
But then again, what is the frequency of defecation is not normal? Everybody is different, in the small matter of defecation, everyone will form a habit, but if this habit suddenly changes, it should be vigilant. Say, if you are accustomed to defecation 4 times a week, but the frequency suddenly changes into a weekly bowel movement, you need to consider whether there is something wrong with the stomach, or you can combine the color, shape and feeling of defecation of the excrement with the self-judgment of the disease. Stool dry, defecation hard, stool is not formed, stool was granular, blood in the stool, anal fissure and other abnormal phenomena, it is recommended to adjust the diet in time, severe symptoms should go to the hospital for treatment.
In addition, short-term diet changes in life, women's menstruation, these two conditions will also lead to changes in the frequency of defecation, but these are normal, do not have to worry too much.