Light salt can lose weight

If you eat salt, no other calorie intake, it is equivalent to dieting to lose weight, thin is sure, can the body eat it?

The Essence of "Salt and Weight Loss"

The salt itself does not carry any calories, and it is equivalent to nothing at night. And eating so much salt will surely consume a lot of water, and the water will hold on, creating a satiety that legendarily suppresses appetite.

Can you really lose weight by eating salt and lose weight?

If you do this every day, breakfast and Chinese food will not be extra intake, which means that the calorie instantly falls to 2/3. In general, caloric intake is less than expenditure. In theory, it is entirely possible to lose weight.

But remember, the important premise here is that you can persevere, and you don't eat extra food. However, people usually resist a hunger after a day or two. Then they start overeating, and not only do not lose weight but only one. Skyrocketing skyrocketing.

Even if you can catch hunger, eat so much salt, your body will feel very bad. First, the kidneys feel that their work pressure is too great, ready to strike, and then high blood pressure and diabetes will not be invited. Do you want to lose weight?

Weight loss cannot rely on salt alone

We all know that the basic formula for weight loss is 'energy intake (eat and drink daily) < 能量消耗 (基础代谢+活动消耗) 】, 但这并不代表 '只要少吃点, 让摄入小于支出就行了' !

Here, you need to understand the concept of 'basic metabolism': The minimum energy requirement needed for all organs of the human body to sustain life. (Knocking on blackboards! The lowest energy needs!)

In other words, we ordinary people do nothing for a day and they will consume so much energy at every turn.

Therefore, from a safety point of view, any diet that is lower than basal metabolism is not recommended for ordinary people! It is not only prone to malnutrition, but also may cause significant health damage.

Therefore, even if a star doesn't eat enough to feed, even basal metabolism can't be maintained. Although this can quickly reduce fat and slim down in a short time, the damage to the body can be too great.

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