According to media reports in the state of Volgograd, AAPolymers Engineering has developed a new type of thermal conductive polymer composite. The company claims that the newly developed thermal conductive composites outperform aluminum and other metals. The company also stated that For the experimental material's thermophysical properties, electrical conductivity, mechanical properties, and resistance to atmospheric and corrosive media, AAC Polymers' team continuously tested and eventually achieved a thermal conductivity compound that exceeded expectations.
Currently, the thermal conductivity of newly developed polymer composites (thermally active, thermoplastic polymer resins) is 100 times that of conventional polymers, and even more. Andrei Kosenoff, general manager of AAC Polymers, stated that The research and development of new thermally conductive composite materials has promoted the development of more than 20 economic projects in various fields.
The first customer of AAC Polymers was Svetozar, a lighting equipment manufacturer in Volgograd, which replaced the Italian LATI composites with new polymer materials. In addition, HEPES RUS is also potential of AAC Polymers in the LED lighting market. consumer.
Consumers of AAC Polymers are LED lamps (the most widely used field with the best market prospects), manufacturers of microelectronics and other heat transfer industries. AAC Polymers points out that due to its continuous improvement in technology, new thermally conductive polymers are better than aluminum and Other analogs are 38% cheaper. At present, only 10 companies in the world have developed this material. AAC Polymers is Russia's first company to develop the material.