Qualcomm is building a virtual reality (VR) platform development kit using the Snapdragon 845 processor, scheduled for release in the second quarter. According to the Verge report, Qualcomm's new development tools will showcase various features of the Snapdragon 845 VR platform. , including inside-out mobile tracking, and also supports HTC's Vive Wave platform. The kit comes with a 2,560 x 1,440 WQHD monitor (1 eye resolution 1,280 x 1,440, update rate 60Hz). Unlike Microsoft Windows Mixed Reality The inside-out tracking capability of the helmet or the Oculus Santa Cruz prototype does not include full tracking of the motion controller, but is better than the upcoming Oculus Go helmet all-in-one system (tracking only the head rotation) More degrees of freedom. Qualcomm's system is not like Windows Mixed Reality needs to connect to computers. But these specifications are not the main selling point of Qualcomm VR platform. In addition to the inside-out tracking, the most interesting is the two pairs. The eye of the prospective wearer uses the eye tracking technology of Qualcomm partner Tobii to make the user's eyes a control system and help expand the gaze point. Effect of foveated rendering. This is the third version of Qualcomm's Snapdragon VR design. Like the old version, it will not be directly sold to consumers in the market, but Qualcomm stated that helmet manufacturers include Lenovo's Mirage Solo and Vive Focus. Snapdragon 835 has been built in. If Qualcomm plans to release the Snapdragon 845 platform in the near future, speculation that commercial products based on this chip should be available soon.