The Always Connected Windows PC with the Qualcomm Snapdragon processor will be on the market. Experts will evaluate the NovaGo notebook (NB) that Asustek will release. The result is amazing, but there are still some areas for improvement. Windows 10 with Snapdragon Not only can it be connected to the Internet forever, but it also reduces dependence on Wi-Fi. In order to support the Snapdragon that was originally used in smart phones, the Windows core architecture has also been completely revised. Particularly attractive features include the ability of the computer to boot immediately from hibernation. Power is greatly extended, quiet, and the machine won't overheat. Basically, Snapdragon and Windows 10 work together as fast, quiet and efficient as smartphones. Microsoft has previously tried to create a similar platform, but in the end all It ended in failure. Qualcomm and Microsoft said that this time will be a big difference. Not only will the processor be more powerful, but the Windows system will not be limited to only a few applications (Apps). Asustek is scheduled to launch its first model in the United States on May 1. Qualcomm Snapdragon chip NovaGo NB, priced at $ 599, built-in 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage capacity. The Verge take An Asus NovaGo evaluated it, but the device was somewhat different from the upcoming US version, with greater RAM and storage capacity. Since the evaluation focused on the platform and not the device itself, this difference did not affect the results. The results showed that Always Connected PC is almost the same as Windows 10 in general. Both have the same interface, switching virtual desktops, swiping apps, using touchpad gestures, and interacting with touch screens. Most new apps, especially From the Microsoft Store or pre-installed programs can be quickly opened, and there is almost no significant difference in the operation of computers with Intel processors, but other applications perform slower on Snapdragon computers. In addition, NovaGo is quite quiet when used. In addition, NovaGo does not rely on Wi-Fi, nor does it need to be connected via a mobile phone. The device is connected to the Internet at any time just like a mobile phone. Even if the computer is closed and is in a standby state, it can still receive emails and other information. Update. Not only that, letting the Snapdragon computer wake up from hibernation is as fast as a cell phone. Just press the Power button. In order to start using, the start-up time is also comparable to that of Intel computers. Qualcomm claims that Snapdragon's computer battery power lasts 20 to 24 hours, and NovaGo's actual use result is that it takes about 11 to 12 hours to recharge once, although the time is not better than expected. For a long time, but compared to the light, the portable Ultrabook has extended a lot and is about 6 hours longer than the Surface Pro LTE. Snapdragon NB can download and install Chrome, but the performance becomes quite bad, the loading speed is slow, the sliding is not smooth, the label Slow transitions between. Microsoft's Edge browser also has its own problems. It has poor compatibility with certain websites. It may crash due to no load. The browser must be restarted. Windows on the Snapdragon PC has a 32 bit platform, which means anything. The 64 bit app cannot be installed or executed. Many of the latest tools are not available on this system. Since x64 has been released for many years, it is likely that many tools cannot be used on Snapdragon computers. The 32 bit version must be searched, and even the 32 bit version is also Not necessarily run smoothly. The final summary of the assessment is that, overall, although Windows is used on Snapdragon computers Some significant advantages, such as long battery life, quiet and always connected to the Internet, but compared to the use of traditional Intel computers is not easy, the problem of app compatibility is particularly troublesome. Therefore, this type of computer may It is more suitable for people who are accustomed to using Edge and do not rely on casual users of third-party apps. Snapdragon Windows may not be suitable for people who must connect to the Internet at any time and work with NB for a long time.