Samsung launched its first movie LED screen in July 2017. Since then, the company has installed these screens in theaters in Seoul, Busan, and Shanghai. To date, Samsung has only provided 2D for movie LED screens. Version. But Samsung officially launched the 3D version of the movie LED screen at ISE (Integrated Systems Europe) 2018. Now this screen has been officially installed in theaters.
With the help of Imaculix AG, Samsung installed the world's first 3D Cinema LED screen at the Arena Cinemas' Sihlcity Theatre in Switzerland. The 3D model offers all the advantages of a standard Cinema LED screen, while adding 3D capabilities for high-quality display of 2D And 3D movies.
Samsung said that the screen will maintain consistent brightness and can perfectly display 3D subtitles, images and other visual details. Compared with standard 3D movie screens, Samsung's 3D Cinema LEDs can be provided throughout the theater wherever the audience is sitting. Consistent picture quality.
This screen supports high dynamic range (HDR), nearly 9 million pixels, a width of nearly 10.3 meters, and a height of 5.4 meters, giving viewers an excellent experience. With ultra-high definition 4K resolution (4, 096 x 2 , 160) and peak brightness that is nearly ten times higher than standard cinema standards. In order to provide a more immersive experience, Samsung is also equipped with JBL's cutting-edge audio technology.