Although Apple has used the OLED screen in its latest iPhone X release, this does not mean that Apple will stop there. According to Bloomberg News, Apple is currently developing a new generation of Micro-LED display technology and will pass Technology updates reduce the reliance on Samsung, LG and other panel makers.
Micro-LED technology is a new display technology. Compared to LEDs and OLEDs, Micro-LEDs are 'comes after'. This technology is to miniaturize LEDs to sizes even below 100 μm. Under the massive transfer technology, these tiny Such as gravel material placed on the substrate, and the formation of different sizes of the panel.
Micro-LED technology has a very strong advantage in display. It not only has self-luminous, but also far exceeds LCD in contrast, and at the same time it does not suffer from the disadvantages of OLED burn-in and short life span. It overcomes the disadvantages of OLED and LCD. Micro-LED has received more and more attention.
According to news from South Korea, Apple had previously purchased LuxVue, a technology company that developed Micro-LED display technology.
This shows that Apple has already started the development of Micro-LED technology. In the past ten years, Apple has applied for more than ten Micro-LED patents, plus 23 patents acquired by the acquisition company LuxVue, which is enough Let Apple master the core technology of Micro-LED R&D. For Apple that did not have panel manufacturing capabilities before, this may be a great opportunity for change.
However, not only Apple currently favors Micro-LED technology, but Samsung, which previously supplied OLED panels to Apple, is also developing the technology. In CES 2018, Samsung exhibited the world’s first 146-inch Micro-LED TV.
Although Apple has not yet reached a firm message that it will use Micro-LEDs in its next-generation products, it is believed that the distance should not be far behind.