The R5 2400G series processors launched by AMD in mid-February are regarded as a strong competitor of Intel. Although the CPU performance is still dominated by Intel, the gap between them has been greatly reduced compared to the past, and the GPU performance of the R5 2400G is in terms of gaming. Outperform Intel. According to ExtremTech report, Intel's General-Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) computing performance evaluation is mainly related to workloads and applications. Comprehensive testing is performed using system analysis tools such as SiSoft Sandra. At the time, the R5 2400G outperformed Intel. However, the test results for DVDFab and the like were exactly the opposite. Intel's performance definitely exceeds AMD. This problem may be related to the AMD application software development tool suite, because it has not been used for 2 years. Although AMD also released newer Advanced Media Framework development kits, it does not seem to have any applications yet. This actually shows one of the difficulties faced by AMD, Intel and NVIDIA, which have an absolute market advantage. For example, as long as developers provide some resources and support, basically Considering hardware software optimization as a matter of course, while in the CPU and GPU market, AMD's market share is not high. It must be harder to provide support for its own product software. AMD's running tests at Cinebench and Luxmark Far better than Intel, and can accelerate V-Ray workloads, even if the basic solution RX 550 also provides good performance. However, with the GPU market overheating, APU integrated graphic display unit and processor to accelerate the processor price/performance It is relatively high. It will be worth watching how Intel will respond to the dramatic increase in the performance of ultra-GPUs. From 2011 to 2015, Intel will improve its GPU architecture every year. Performance is much higher than it was 10 years ago. Skylake marks Intel's integration The end of graphics chip performance improvement is at least for desktop computers. The 2015 AMD Bulldozer series is too slow for Intel to pose any threat, but now the time is different and the game rules are different. Intel must show that It's competitive with CPUs and GPUs. Intel's teaming with AMD to build Radeon GPU-based processors will certainly help, but Non-Intel is willing to make concessions on profits, otherwise the cost of these chips is difficult to compete directly with the $170 APU.