The project, Known Traveller Digital Identity, was published at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland. In this project, passengers will be shared with the airport and relevant authorities in advance. Their digital ID card.
The Canadian government has become part of a digital ID and border security project. Canada will collaborate with the World Economic Forum and its partners.
Canada’s transportation sector is on the list of partners. Other partners include: US Department of Homeland Security and government agencies such as the Netherlands Ministry of Security and Justice, and companies such as Visa, Accenture, Google and Hilton. In addition, Interpol will also participate in the project. .
The World Economic Forum stated that the project aims to apply innovative technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI) and biometrics technologies to improve safety, simplify travel processes, and effectively respond to cyber terrorism threats.
The system will be based on the App. Travelers can save personal information before traveling or share personal information with related departments. Canadian citizens can save resident cards, different vaccination certificates, university degrees, lists of places visited, and more.
In addition, the system will also use biometrics to help related departments simplify the screening process. All personal information will be stored in the blockchain.