There are reports from time to time in the news that some healthy people have suddenly died of sudden death. People in daily life will also listen to the people around them. When a person who was chatting with him yesterday had a good meal, how did he suddenly go?
Sudden death is not far away from us. To prevent sudden cardiac death, the key is to identify high-risk groups. Currently, high-risk, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and high-weight four-high populations are considered to be high rates of sudden death, requiring special attention to prevention. It is important to keep the following points in mind:
1. Regular medical examinations, such as early signs of heart disease, seek medical advice as soon as possible.
2. Change the bad habits of life. Regular work and rest, emotional optimism, strengthening exercise, avoiding overwork and emotional excitement, adequate rest, reasonable diet, limit salt and sugar, and weight loss.
3. Actively control the risk factors such as the third height and obesity, if necessary, apply drugs under the guidance of a doctor.