The Galaxy S9 is Samsung's new flagship on the MWC2018. It features a 5.8-inch 2960 x 1440 display, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor, 4GB of memory + 64GB storage, 12 million rear-mounted + 8 million front-facing cameras , The battery capacity is 3000mAh.
↑↑↑Galaxy S9
The Galaxy A8 is Samsung's mid-range full screen in January. Unlike the Galaxy S9, the Galaxy A8 is a straight screen rather than a curved screen.
It uses a 5.6-inch 1080 x 2220 display with a screen aspect ratio of 18.5:9, Exynos 7885 processor, GPU Mali-G71, 4GB RAM + 32/64GB storage, 16-megapixel main camera, and battery capacity 3000mAh.
In terms of selling price, the Samsung Galaxy S9 Enterprise Edition sells for 849 Euros (approximately RMB 6,600). The aircraft will be officially launched in Germany in April. The Galaxy A8 Enterprise Edition is priced at 499 Euros (approximately RMB 3,900).
↑↑↑Galaxy A8 2018