One year later, Sony introduced a new generation of flagship Xperia XZ2 and Xperia XZ2 Compact on MWC2018. Both new models are equipped with FHD+ full screen and equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor. Although they are all flagship level, 4. The pink 4K screen did not come.
In this regard, the head of the UX product planning department at the Sony headquarters of TOM Shinichi, in an interview with ePrice, revealed that the new machine equipped with a 4K screen is already under development and is expected to be released on the next-generation flagship, but the detailed time has not yet been determined.
In addition, Tajiri Yasushi also revealed that Sony is developing a dual-camera model that is expected to appear on next-generation products.
In accordance with past practice, Sony will launch new flagships at MWC and IFA every year, so the flagship with a 4K screen and dual cameras may be launched at the second half of IFA.