Brandon Maher, editor-in-chief of Nature’s news agency, said that the top ten scientific figures they selected were among the 10 people who had a major impact on science in the past year, from quantum communications to genome editing, scientists in these different fields. In the history of science in 2017 left an indelible mark, and they will continue to influence science.
The article in Nature magazine mentioned that Pan Jianwei’s team has been ahead of the quantum Internet. Quantum Internet is a network of satellites and terrestrial devices that can share quantum information globally, which will make unbreakable global information encryption possible. For now, Pan Jianwei’s team plans to launch a second satellite and will launch a new quantum experiment in space at Tiangong-2 Space Lab. The magazine also quoted the physicist Christopher Monroe of the University of Maryland as saying: Pan Jianwei's outstanding ability is to find key problems and dare to take risks. 'He is the privilege of China'.