The other name of "chip" is called "Integrated Circuit" (IC). It is a combination of many transistors and electronic components through circuit design to process electronic signals to achieve various forms. The computing or processing. Almost all modern electronic products in the modern civilization (such as computers, mobile phones, cars, home appliances, etc.), have to rely on chips to play a powerful function. In 1958, the United States Texas Instruments company's Kilby (Jack Kilby) The invention of the world's first integrated circuit, this year happens to be the 60th anniversary of this great invention, so this exhibition is more meaningful.
In addition to the related exhibitions, the Chip Center and Nano Center also planned the weekend experience courses: "It's fun to play - Sensing for building blocks" and "Negative digging for wow - Wonderful adventures in the world of chips", a total of 12 events. , Will lead the public to understand the magical function of sensing the chip, and explore the semiconductor world in the microchip, the general public can sign up to participate.
Semiconductors, chips, nanotechnology, etc., are not only the key areas of scientific research in Taiwan, but also the key cornerstones of economic development. The general population is used more and more everywhere in life, but most people do not understand this well. The state-owned company's "Meeting Invisible Science" series of exhibitions transforms the hard science (In) science, which has always been unfathomable, into soft knowledge that the general public can understand, allowing the citizens of state-owned resources to have a glimpse of the beauty of technology. The exhibition period starts from March 9 to June 24, and relevant information can be found on the official website of the National Academy of Sciences, the official website of the State-owned Assets and Education website and the IC 60 Facebook page (Facebook search IC 60).