According to traditional Chinese medicine, the lungs are filthy, cold and heat resistant, and the evils are most likely to invade. Pulmonary function is clear, and the exogenous sensation can cause the lungs to conquer and become coughing. The weak lungs, although the evil is retired but cough, this Because the lung's self-healing ability is not so strong that it's false feelings. Click or hands to lift the internodes of the thumb at the roots of the thumb can strengthen the lungs, solid lungs, support the righteousness, repel the evils, and improve the lung's ability to resist diseases. .
Yujian Cave is located in the exuberance of the muscles at the midpoint of the thumb root and the midline of the wrist. It is the health care point of the lungs. It can be massaged to clear the lungs, clear the lungs and heat the lungs, relieve the cough and reduce the back, especially suitable for the wind. Hot lungs, poorly pharyngeal pain, poorly coughed patients, persistent coughing, spring weather, airway sensitivity, cough, asthma, etc., with high incidence of lung diseases, patients with insufficient lung function, can often massage the acupuncture points to prevent and treat diseases .
When you fish into the internode of a fish, you can put your hands together to make the big fish fit together. It's better to get your hands warm. You can hold your hands and press it with the thumb of your other hand. Massage 2-3 times per day; About 1-2 minutes.